
多才多藝的ABC,活潑外向,小提琴拉到白宮去,笑起來很燦爛...  (天哪!反正她好棒>w<)








好,現在介紹我最新的目標。我的夢想似乎源源不絕。我想出書、發表遊記,推出攝影專輯。但在跟Jun(我這輩子碰過最棒的舞蹈老師)討論之後,她讓我瞭解機會不會從天而降,不同於我以往的經驗,逐夢必須踏實,不能只是呆坐感傷歲月的蹉跎。我們聊到我真正想做的事情,以及達成目標的方法。我告訴她我想主持旅遊節目,我想做自己,只有主持人可以做自己。我自認不適合介紹最新的流行音樂。我想介紹我熱愛的事物:旅行、美食、文化、人群、語言與醫學。 所以,我應該如何追求夢想呢?我應該一步一腳印,邁向目標。我必須製作示範帶,拍下我的主持節目或採訪鏡頭。我必須善用人脈與網際網路,尋找露面的機會,寄出試鏡影片。我必須創造曝光機會,自我宣傳。與其挖掘新技能套用在新工作上,倒不如找出適合我發揮長處和興趣的工作。那才是我的重點,而非把力氣耗費在我不適合或不感興趣的工作。 我上健身房,整理出一些構想,到處詢問他人的意見,並且擬定方針。點子越來越多,我滿心興奮地開始進行,暗自希望這一次不要虎頭蛇尾(這方面我的紀錄可是很輝煌),唯有身體力行才能證實自己有始有終…只能祝自己好運了! 最後,我離開健身房,跟小S與她姊姊碰面吃中飯。她們容光煥發,產後的小S照顧嬰兒很有一套,腰圍一點都沒有增加。我們聊得很愉快,說了不少笑話。我跟她訴說我在法國的經驗,以及我在台灣的發展計畫。她馬上打電話給她的製作人,並為我安排隔天與電視製作公司的副總碰面!我想這是我長久以來一直想做的事,但老天爺自有安排。這一次,我比以往更有自信,這是好的起點。




For Mia and others who may have the same question...

my motto in life is : NO REGRETS..

i know sometimes it is very difficult to make decisions in life - about where to go, what to do, which career path to choose. but that's what makes life SO Exciting!! if you have no choices at all, then life is boring. so considering yourself very lucky to have these options.

once you make any decision, no matter what it is, do not look back. proceed with that decision 100%. if you keep wondering what if, or what would happen if you had done something else, then, you will waste all of your time thinking about that, and not really enjoying or putting your effort into what you DID decide to do.

so, if you want to become an actor rather than a dentist, then focus 100% on acting. there is no such thing as WRONG decision. You can always learn from everything. no matter what. so take life as a lesson. and ENJOY IT! :):) that's the most important thing.

live life to the fullest which means you have to be involved in every day, every moment.

i know this can be hard to do sometimes, but it will really help you enjoy life and not worry about all these "what if's." because you can't control everything, so you might as well enjoy what you have and work hard towards your goals.

this is what i try to do every day, otherwise, i would always be worrying about the past or the future and not enjoying TODAY.

wish you the best of luck!






You can't love anybody fully until you know how to love yourself. And you can't be in a fair relationship if you are completely dependent on your boyfriend/girlfriend and are doing nothing to further yourself in life and therefore add to the relationship.
但然, 我今天這是謝謝一個人... 我生活裡面有太多要感謝的人.. 可是上完 國光幫幫忙, 我就開始想分享我的故事給你們聽, 然後然你們想想統一樣個問題.

所以, 你有沒有一個很想感謝的人? 愛過, 或是愛過你的人, 然你改變, 或是學了很多東西. 或是改變你的想法? 為什麼你要謝謝這個人?





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